2010년 9월 9일 목요일

a class down

a class down, his lungs almost mad. class of Li Xiaolu and then how he so similar to a whole class did not speak, while lying sleeping on desks, while they and other students to speak, causing unrest in his mood is very bad and potentially confusing to the lectures are.
between classes, he called the office of Li Xiaolu, a harsh criticism: students like you, not to mention the
christian louboutin future the university entrance exam, and I am afraid that graduating high school can be pretty good, how your education, your parents, they are willing to let you live to be a fools and bullies you? The office door opened, and Mrs Lee came. Now Mrs Lee, Li Fei was his class teacher then the teacher, he quickly got up and greeted Mrs Lee: My criticism of that unforgettable, I am afraid I do not have today. then turned away. be criticized for Li Xiaolu cried out, when my colleagues just came Wang. He went to Zhang Qiang, with the front calmly asked: a? how do you know my students ah? the son. several years back seat. He christian louboutin shoes never thought down. It's strange, since that was his criticism, Li Xiaolu great changes have taken place, paying attention in class, do not bully younger students, and Middle School repeat a year later was admitted to the provincial University. The past few years the relationship between Mrs Lee and Zhang Qiang has been in a lukewarm state.
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a few years. One day, Zhang Qiang, Personnel Section notice, he was send to the town when the first principal of the school is Mrs Lee recommended to the Bureau of Education.

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