2010년 9월 9일 목요일

police station

police station, the police asked Liu old man: When stolen, the owner of lost property has been reported for several days. , to take people to destinations.
This does not, great morning, Old christian louboutin Chang firewood back to the ground, half on the road met a stranger, to find the village credit cooperatives Lao Liu, claiming Lao Liu's cousin, years to the future, do not know cousin of the house. embittered one soon took him to old Liu, firewood does not back up. strangers quickly told him: , pleased to hear of Cousin whole family sleeping on it also white picket fence. Well, brother, children christian louboutin shoes such a cold day, can get warm in your house first?
eight o'clock, a stranger stood up to the Old Chang said: Next, be my boy a little something, brother Do not delay, otherwise it does not recognize me, and noon to wife fried some dishes and I tasty Liangzhong Hello, will you? is Lao Liu's cousin, identified himself early in the morning had a cousin, this is not by Pan Gaozhi you soon readily accepted.
to the old Liu door, just to catch up with old Liu out, Old Chang rushed to meet her and said: it, let's talk later at noon. a sum of money needed, referrals embittered by my cousin christian louboutin sale
on you here, and would like to here from you five thousand dollars credit, high interest rates can, because the deal is certain to make money in a few days to ensure also the. Moreover, the village children have my cousin do, even if I run the monks are not run as Temple ah. ; Lao Liu hear strangers say this, but also very generous, with another cousin of embittered, so they agreed.

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