2011년 2월 13일 일요일

Avoid the pair director of the National Development and Reform Commission of a national treasure and national energy bureau chief Ju is job

Researching according to the expert is the song artifact for creating new style to grow, quick book in Shandong originates clear end Shandong to face pure a take folks.Sing after spreading of in the past civil entertainer, backlog the song of equal amount.In quick book song in traditional Shandong, it is relevant to say that singing is martial to loosely sing a segment to have very big specific weight, became long play the classic song of Shuai not.
(Responsibility editor:Yang Jian)
The Xinhua news agency Peking gives or gets an electric shock State Department to appointment and dismiss a national staff member on January 20.Appoint Liu Tie Nan for the country bureau chief Ju from energy in house;Appoint the Mu ice in week manages committee for Chinese banking direct pair chairman.
Avoid the pair director of the National Development and Reform Commission of a national treasure and national energy bureau chief Ju is job;Avoid to settle it of Chinese banking direct management committee pair chairman is job.

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