2011년 2월 23일 수요일

Having no index sign shows that Romania joins the empress of Shen Gen Qu to bring EU a large-scale illegal immigrant

He points out that in such an alliance of democratic nation of EU, all countries have to obey everyone to already draw up of rule, Luo appeals that EU handles Luo to join Shen Gen Qu is problem according to the rules concerning treaty.
Bo Sai Si is database emphasizes that the together other EU member is country in Romania similar deep concern ensures a Shen Gen frontier safety.Luo has already combined to continue observance and implement to join various obligation that Shen Gen Qu has to implement.Luo uses currently of is the new generation boundary supervision system most, and have already united a net at November, last year and Shen Gen is system.Having pink scarves no index sign shows that Romania joins the empress of Shen Gen Qu to bring EU a large-scale illegal immigrant.
Romania and Bulgaria formally becomes the member of EU on January 1, 2007.According to having been already signed of 《Shen Gen pact 》 , two countries were original during 2011 months last half year to join Shen Gen Qu.However, France formally asks EU to postpone Luo to protect two countries to join with Germany in December, last year, the reason is two countries to lack good of judicatory and management environment.

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