2011년 2월 23일 수요일

New Jersey and new England region of New York

(Responsibility editor:Yang Jian)
New China net New York gives or gets an electric shock(reporter the Wei a kind of jade attend to shake ball) American F.B.I. and police in New York to launch to associately round a Jiao activity on the morning of the 20th on January 20, arrested more than 110 Mafia suspects and included square scarves the important member of five greatest Mafias in New York household among them.
American Secretary of Justice gram in the Ai ·Howl Be virtuous to say on the news conference that New York holds on that day, this time activity mainly concentrates in Brooklyn area, New Jersey and new England region of New York.More than 800 federal detectives and local polices participated in an activity, this was the scale in American F.B.I. history to biggestly annihilate one of the activities.

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