2011년 2월 23일 수요일

Push Romania and Bulgaria to join Shen Gen Qu is Hungary serve as EU to take turns a chairman country the period try hard for one of the important targets of realization

Push Romania and Bulgaria to join Shen Gen Qu is Hungary serve as EU to take turns a chairman country the period try hard for one of the important targets of realization.
Last year the Interior Minister of December 21, France and Germany addresses a letter to an European Commission and formally requests to postpone to grant Romania and Bulgaria to join Shen Gen Qu, the reason is two countries to lack good of judicatory and management environment.
(Responsibility editor:Yang wholesale scarves Jian)
New China net Bucharest gives or gets an electric shock(reporter, Lin Hui Fen, ) president Bo Sai Si is database in Romania to point out on the 20th on January 20, joining Shen Gen Qu is Romania this year main task, emphasize that Luo can not accept bias treatment on this problem.
Bo Paul Smith Scarves Sai Si is database said while announcing to talk when president is mansion meets with all countries to halt Luo is diplomatic corps on that day, Romania joined "can not suffer a bias treatment" of Shen Gen Qu, any differentiation treats of the way of doings would be a dangerous precedent, and will to the prestige creation of EU negative result.

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