2010년 10월 17일 일요일

Freedom is the life of street ball with the traditional basketball

Freedom is the life of street ball with the traditional basketball .different ball pursuit of freedom is street level. Arthur Street ball is released inner emotions, express themselves and air their grievances and create the best inspiration way, nothing to suppress your personality, wild uninhibited improvisation sway of the personality, as long as dare the Xiu no no. subparagraph told me that many external factors on the improvement of the traditional basketball Moncler skills may be affected, and the ball is loose on the street much figure, although the impact velocity, but not lethal factor.
but the basic skills of dribbling, but the key yo, we should want to play good street ball, the ball's abilities must be strong, it is the basic skills to be solid, with a street basketball experience, training techniques, however minor, the most important is a basketball player's performance provoked desire and freedom of mind, we can see the spirit of street basketball is the meaning of freedom and show.

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