2010년 10월 11일 월요일

It is elegant furniture

It is elegant furniture, Ming and early Qing Period the main material .3. pear new pear: My self, Fujian, Guangdong and Yunnan are also a lot from Myanmar, Thailand imported. wood yellow red, coarse than the pear wood, the lines straight, somewhat weaker than the pear, no pleasing aroma. sawdust soaked green, hand wet susceptible to injury, there are micro-drug .4. chicken wing wood: Qi Zi, also known as wood, chestnut trees, the small grain of wood, produced in Myanmar, Thailand, India, Vietnam and other Southeast Asian countries. have divided the old and new are two kinds of old chicken wing wood texture dense, purple-brown shades of white into the pattern, particularly Moncler the micro-longitudinal oblique section, thin floating, flashing bright feathers to people feeling exactly like chicken wings. chicken wings than the pear wood, and engraved wood yield less Also unique wooden texture, so save the world less for its beautiful and graceful charm of the cherished people in the world.
the new chicken wing wood wood rough, Zihei white, often muddy textures clear, stiff momentum without spin, and sometimes wood wool easy to split or starting rotation. wood is bright yellow cut open, exposed to the air become brown or dark brown. diffuse porous materials, pores small, containing black gum, sediment or tylosis, although the rough timber structure, but the section pattern beautiful pattern of black, white, purple color formation of three Barred Plymouth Rock rooster feathers, wood hard, difficult process, the price is greater than the general mahogany furniture.

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