2010년 10월 25일 월요일

While the rookie was pleased

Out of the relationship between career , into the concert hall, once by his elegant and unique designs are attractive, but also by its cultural flavor of the East-West intoxicated ... Tory Burch ... time to fine reward, it was Miss Manners into the 2nd floor of the awards show live ... ... . after the end of the film night party under the Shenzhen Concert Hall appearance . night under the Shenzhen Concert Hall appearance .
pleasing and creative Moncler Jackets form within the structure .very pleased to award the fifth international media presentation and gentlemen, to see more than 1,500 domestic and international interior design elite. Media Award has been well received by designers concern and attention it to the media the power to build up people is understanding of and respect for excellent design, while giving designers an exchange between the structures and communication platform for more young people who have dreams of designers at this stage to achieve self-worth. . night, presided over the two beautiful women, right for the professional host Miss Li Meng, the left is decorated with beautiful modern editor Miss Chen Huizhong . When I stood on the podium, hand holding the trophy, awarded to the outstanding award-winning designer, I see them reaping the joy felt after they were definitely excited, I think I understand them, this is a positive and creative designer of day and night to encourage and wish them more for the new rise, while the rookie was pleased.

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