2010년 10월 17일 일요일

So, you say that it is a sport

So, you say that it is a sport, than it is a performance, is a fashion. are required to have excellent dribbling skills, a good basketball foundation can not we will be able to play a good street ball, street ball because of stress is different from the traditional basketball, street ball determine the standard of winning or losing the concept of weakening the score, the most critical is to find themselves in other ways was never a sense of achievement, his superb Christian Louboutin Sale game also won the favor of many heterosexual.
Street Ball stressed ornamental and personality, as weakening the traditional rules, can create more movement, in the form to request the coolest show their moves, and also to control the ball in his hands, if the other party can Hyun action Akira is back with a dazzling dribble opponents, sometimes with a little mischief, Huang got to let each other know what to do when pretending dunk, the result is passed to space partners, that will be almost the other Gaode halo state can be considered almost cool.

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